News and Events

M Power Organises Blood Donation Drive
As part of its 2023 companywide objectives and targets, M Power in collaboration with Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) hosted a blood donation drive at the plant under the theme ‘A blood donor is a lifesaver’. The aim is to raise awareness about the importance of blood donation & how doing so may save the lives of many critically-ill patients who need blood. The awareness was raised among M Power staff and contractors, and extended to employees of neighbouring power plant.
The registration, medical examination and blood donation were conducted by HMC staff, under strict medical procedures and standards. Over all, the campaign was successful with around 81 individuals participated for the campaign, out of which 58 males and females donated blood.
Date: May 2023.

M Power wins RoSPA Gold Medal Award
Mesaieed Power has fought-off stiff international competition to scoop a prestigious RoSPA Gold Medal Award (7 Consecutive Golds), demonstrating its continuous commitment to health and safety excellence.
The RoSPA Health and Safety Awards is UK’s largest occupational health and safety awards programme, having almost 2,000 entries every year, covering nearly 50 countries and a reach of over seven million employees. The programme recognises organisations’ overarching health and safety management systems implemented prevent occupational accidents and ill health.
M Power CEO, Mr. Saad Al-Wazine received the award in person and dedicates it to the staff, for their cooperation and support in maintaining a high health & safety standards at work.
Date: April 2023

M Power Celebrates Qatar Environment Day
Mesaieed Power joined other power companies in celebrating Qatar Environment Day 2023 on 5th March 2023. The celebration featured various events including children’s environmental posters competition, as well as beach clean-up exercise. Nine best posters designed by staff children, across three different age groups were shortlisted and nominated to the event coordinator, i.e. QEWC. The posters, along with other environmental initiatives, were then put on display to dignitaries that were invited on the celebration day.
Prior to that date, M Power staff joined the volunteers from other IPP companies in a clean-up exercise conducted along the coastline. The initiative forms part of M Power’s corporate objectives and targets for 2023, and was therefore given full support by the management. As a result of the exercise, approximately 20kg of plastic wastes were recovered and prevented from contaminating the beach. The staff were rewarded by M Power management for their environment-aware culture and participation towards achieving companywide environmental objective.
Date: March 2023.

EHS Newsletter Jan-June 2021

RoSPA Electricity Industry Sector Award 2021
For the second time in a row, M Power has been awarded ‘RoSPA Commended’ in the Electricity Industry Sector Award for an outstanding health and safety performance.
The RoSPA Electricity Sector award scheme is a competitive scheme, awarded to organisations who demonstrate the best health and safety performance in the electricity sector, globally.
Being the second time that M Power participated in the highly competitive aware scheme, receiving this award shows that M Power maintain its position as one of the best in the electricity industry all over the world, in terms of outstanding health and safety performance.
The CEO appreciates the excellent contribution of the staff in achieving this award.
Date: 15th June 2021

ISO Re-certification
M Power is successful in the ISO re-certification audit conducted by external auditors on 2nd- 4th May 2021. As a result of the success, M Power has achieved the recertification of its ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001:2015 management systems respectively.
The CEO congratulates the entire staff for the significant achievement.
Date: 10th June 2021

Successful roll-out of Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS) Programme
Behaviour-Based Safety program was successfully rolled out in April 2021, following series of awareness sessions for staff and management. Staff from various functions were also nominated and trained as BBS observers, who will coach fellow staff towards the desired health and safety behaviours.
The programme implementation updates are discussed during monthly EHS committee meetings and bi-annual management review meetings.

EHS Newsletter July-Dec 2020

EHS News Letter Jan- June 2020
The Best EHS Suggestion Award – 2019

Achievement of Commended in RoSPA Award 2020
MPCL received a certificate of RoSPA commended in the Electricity Industry sector award 2020. The CEO appreciates the excellent contribution of the staff in achieving this competitive award scheme.
The Best EHS Suggestion Award -2018
Mr. Kashif Nadeem, a Senior Field Operator was awarded for the best EHS suggestion award -2018. He suggested the usage of service water for acid dilution at the Electrochlorination plant instead of potable water and that led to a reduction in potable water consumption. He was awarded by Mohammed Al Harami –CEO, MPCL on 2nd April 2019.